Blog Archive

Friday 12 July 2013


Diagnostic Radiography

Group Members :
Elizabeth, Ayuni, Allan, Russell, Stephanie, Syaiful (left to right)

Our group will be researching on whether the length of our feet has a relationship with the length of our forearm. According to body proportions, it is believed that the length of your forearm would be equivalent to the length of your foot. Through this project , we would like to find out if this belief is true.

Importance of study:
This science has been extremely useful over the years in such areas as clothing design,forensics,and studies of human migration patterns over time.

H0 : There is no significant relationship between the length of the foot and the length of the forearm
H1: There is a positive relationship between the length of the foot and the length of the forearm

Variables and Rationale : 
Independent variable:Length of forearm
Dependent variable: Length of foot
Extraneous Variables: Gender,Age, Temperature, Medical Conditions 

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